
Time Is In His Hands

Yesterday we said goodbye to our youth group, and church family at Calvary Temple. At this point our journey, it is bittersweet. Although we say goodbye to many good friends, and youth that have grown up before our eyes, it is a new chapter in our lives.

When people ask me how I feel about leaving, and what is next, all I can say is that the last 3 and half years have been the hardest, and best years of my life.

In 2007 when we first came to Belleville, I felt like I didn’t know who I was, and I desperately wanted to know God more. I would see others who I felt were spiritual giants, and would feel so inferior and unworthy, that I lost myself trying to be something that I was not. In hindsight, I see that little by little God was changing me, and making me who He wanted me to be. Over time, when I thought I had lost myself, He was teaching me more and more about who I am. I have found my identity Him!

I have learned so much about others, myself, and my husband. I have learned that being a Christian and, a leader is more then just talk. This seems like a simple lesson- but I was twenty-three before I could even grasp this idea.

He has developed my character through the highs and lows.

He has taught me not to rely on my feelings.

He has taught me that ministry is not about the number, it's about being a servant, the lives that are changed, and my relationships with others.

He has shown me who my husband is, and taught me that it is not my job to change him. He has made him who he is, for a purpose, and I do not need to put him a box, to who I think he should be... he is great the way he is.

He has taught me that people are always watching… and that I do not need to preach from the rooftops, because my life and my actions are doing it for me (whether good or bad).

He has instilled a confidence in me, and shown me that I am capable of doing anything--- when I put Him first, and rely on HIS strength.

He has shown me that often times we only hear the negative opinions that others have, and it is important to remember the people that champion you.

He has taught me that He is faithful, and I can trust in Him… 100% in all things!

He has fulfilled the desires of my heart, to date… He has truly given me everything I have asked Him for, and I know He is not finished. He hasn’t let me down, and He never will.

He has taught me that being a part of the church is like a big family- we have our ups and our downs… but we are still family.

I could go on and on about the things he has taught me, in such a short amount of time--- but most of all, I want my friends to know how much they mean to me! You have been a blessing in my life! You have allowed me to be me, and accepted me for who I am. I will never forget all of the memories, the laughs, and the tears! I love you guys!

I can’t wait to see what God has next for the Bombay’s! My heart is expecting great things, and more lessons to learn. I thank God for the journey He is taking us on, and continue to trust in Him… He is a good God!

Angela and Taigan take on Mexico!

White Water Rafting Trip.

Oh Keila... I love you long time!

The Ferguson girls & Me, Love!

Keila and Matt.

Who remembers the Point of Grace concert???

Dog poop anyone??? Important life lessons at Youth...

Kaitlyn & Me. Love!

Susan & Me... you are a freak, and I love you.

Hello World! Jenn & Me.

Tore & Me... you are the best!

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